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Play-Grooup Tuition
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Class V-VIII Tuition
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Class XI - XII Tuition

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Learning Schema
Ace your 10th board exams with a little assistance from our professionals!
1. Parts of Speech.
2. Synonyms and Antonyms.
3. Prepositions.
4. Synthesis of Sentences.
5. Question Formation.
Why S Unit Education ( SUE)
Doorstep service
Tutor as per students eligibility.
First Demo lecture is free
Personalized tutoring.
Passionate, qualified and quality Tutor.
Flexible time
Timely followup.
Online Qr Based attendance System

SUE Student

SUE Tutoors

Per Month Lecture
Ace your 10th board exams with a little assistance from our professionals!
10th std can be stressful and can take a toll on your child, but fret not, our tutors will help them learn the 'no-stress' way! Covering academics and beyond will help your child score well in boards without rote-learning and learning with complete attention and interest instead. By fully understanding the subjects in depth, the students will now be able to solve and face any kind of complex questions without much stress or fear. Our tutors prepare the students in such a way that they are not only exam ready, but also will have a strong hold on the language. Being able to speak fluent English effortlessly will build confidence in your child and will help them air their views on any subject without any hesitancy.
Helping your child learn the concepts without much stress, we help them prepare their best for the board examinations. By conducting tests, doubt-sessions, we help them be more than just ready for their examinations.